sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
HomeNotizieTerrorismoList of terrorist attacks abroad

List of terrorist attacks abroad

Partial list of terrorist attacks abroad

No Date Description of act
1 Nov 4,
66 American diplomats were taken hostage and held for 444 days in Tehran
2 Nov 20,
Seizure of Grand Mosque in Mecca, which ended in blood
3 April 18,
A truck loaded with explosives blew up in front of the American embassy in Beirut. 63 were killed and 120 more were injured. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
4 Oct. 23,
The headquarters of the U.S. Marines in Beirut was destroyed in a suicide attack .242 dead, 80 seriously wounded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
5 Oct. 23,
The headquarters of French troops in Beirut was destroyed in a suicide attack. 58 were killed. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
6 August
An Air France 747 jumbo jet was hijacked after it took off from Vienna airport en route to Tehran. The plane was blown up by the hijackers on the tarmac of Tehran’s Mehrabad airport.
7 March 16,
William Buckley, political officer at U.S. embassy in Beirut, was abducted He was secretly taken to Tehran, where he was killed in 1985. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
8 April 12,
Eighteen U.S. servicemen were killed, and 83 people were injured in a bomb attack on a restaurant near a U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon, Spain. Responsibility was claimed by Hizballah.
9 Dec. 3,
Peter Kilburn, a librarian at the American University of Beirut, was abducted by Iran’s terrorist surrogates. He was killed in 1986.
10 May 22, 1985 Michel Seurat, a French writer, was kidnapped by mullahs’ agents in Lebanon. He was murdered three years later by the hostage-takers.
11 June 14,
A TWA 727 Boeing was hijacked en route Rome – Athens and was diverted to Beirut. One of the passengers on board who was a diver in the US Navy was executed on the plane by the hijackers.
12 1985 Two bombs planted in two restaurants in Kuwait resulted in the death of 10 people and the injury of 80.
13 Nov. 9,
French police discovered a suitcase containing machineguns, handguns, grenades and bullets in the luggage of Iran Air crew in Roissy Airport.
14 Feb. 7,
German police announced that two suspected Iranian terrorists abandoned their car and fled after they were pursued by the police. Their car had been used in previous terrorist attacks in France and weapons and documents were discovered in the car
15 March 18,
Tunisian authorities announced that a terrorist group linked with Iran had been uncovered and 20 of its members had been arrested. The group called itself Hizbollah Al-Mokhtar
16 Aug. 28,
A large quantity of explosives, plastic bombs and weapons were discovered in the luggage of Iranian "pilgrims" arriving in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Saudi police arrested 100 of the undercover agents sent by the mullahs’ regime
17 September
A wave of bombings in public places shocked Paris. Fouad Ali Saleh was convicted of killing 12 and injuring hundreds. He was arrested in March 1987 while transferring explosives into a car in Paris.
18 July 1987 A DC-10 plane belonging to Air Afrique was hijacked by terrorists of the mullahs’ regime. During the hijacking of the plane a French passenger was killed in Vienna airport. Then-President of Switzerland said Iranian government was responsible
19 August 1,
Iranian regime’s agents staged a riot in Mecca during the Moslem annual Haj pilgrimage as part of a wider plan to destabilize the Saudi regime. The Saudi government said 402 persons were killed and 650 were wounded. 85 Saudi policemen were among the dead.
20 August 1,
Embassies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in Tehran were occupied by government-organized mobs and a diplomat was killed.
21 Feb 17,
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. W. Higgins was kidnapped and murdered by the Iranian-backed Hizballah group while serving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) in southern Lebanon.
22 April 5,
A Kuwaiti 747 jumbo jet was hijacked in Bangkok and landed in Mashad, eastern Iran. One of mullahs’ terrorists of Lebanese origin boarded the plane in Iran and led the terrorist operation. During 15-day ordeal, two passengers were killed by hijackers.
23 December
22, 1988
Pan Am flight 103 exploded in mid-air over Lockerbie in Scotland.
24 May 27,
Turkish daily Hurriyet reported that a 14-man group trying to infiltrate into Turkey from Iran to carry out terrorist attacks had been arrested. The group’s leader, Esmat Kamal, had been involved in the assassination of a Saudi diplomat in Ankara.
25 July 31,
Colonel William Higgins, an American officer working for the United Nations in Lebanon, was abducted and executed by the Iranian regime’s agents. A video recording of his hanging was given to international news agencies.
26 1989 During Muslim annual Haj pilgrimage, three bombs were exploded around the holy site of Mecca. Scores of people were injured.
27 Febrary
Khomeini’s religious decree to kill Salman Rushdie, an Indian born British author for writing Satanic Verses.
28 Dec.23,
Mehrdad Kowkabi, an Iranian, was charged with attempted arson of a London bookshop and planning a bomb attack in connection with Salman Rushdie
29 Jan.30,
French Television Channel 1 broadcast an interview with Lotfi Ben-Khala, a terrorist agent who was trained in Iran. He said the mullahs planned a terrorist attack on a French nuclear facility that would have resulted in 10,000 deaths.
30 July 3,
The Italian translator of the Satanic Verses was stabbed and injured. The assailant said that he was an Iranian who was looking for Rushdie’s whereabouts.
31 July 21,
Prof. Hitoshi Igarashi, the Japanese translator of Satanic Verses, was stabbed to death
32 December
29, 1991
Following the arrest of one the mullahs’ terrorists in Bern, the regime barred the employees of the Swiss embassy from leaving Tehran
33 March
Relations between Bern and Tehran were severed after an Iranian terrorist was arrested in Switzerland. A Swiss businessman disappeared in Tehran. Later it was discovered that he had been taken hostage.
34 March 17,
An attack against Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires resulted in the death of 20 and the injury of 250 people.
35 Nov. 21,
French police announced the arrest of two Iranians involved in several assassinations in Europe
36 Dec. 29,
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat told Egypt’s parliament that Iranian regime finances HAMAS, Islamic Jihad and other radical groups and recently paid them 30 million dollars.
37 January 27,
Turkish Interior Minister said a terrorist network linked with the Iranian regime carried out the assassination of Turkish journalist, Ugur Mumcu.
38 January 27,
Turkish police arrested a group of Turkish Hezbollah members, who were trained in Iran, and charged them with the killing of Hikmet Cettin, a Turkish journalist
39 April 25,
New York Times reported that at least 100,000 dollars had been deposited in the account of the prime suspects of the World Trade Center bombing. The money primarily came from Iran
40 July 8,
Egyptian security forces arrested 165 Islamic fundamentalists. Two of them had been trained in a terrorist training center in Mashad, eastern Iran.
41 October 11,
The Norwegian publisher of Salman Rushdie’s book, Willian Nigaard, was hit with three bullets from the back in an unsuccessful assassination attempt
42 June 2,
AFP reported that U.S. intelligence officials said Iran has secretly planted 400 members of the Revolutionary Guards in Bosnia in order to set up terrorist cells in the former Yugoslavia.
43 June 3,
Hossein Shahriarifar, an Iranian terrorist, was arrested along with two other Iranians in Thailand on charges of plotting to carry out a suicide attack on Israel embassy in Bangkok. The truck was stopped by police as he was driving to the embassy.
44 July 6,
Reuters reported that the Filipino government has arrested an agent of the Iranian regime named Hosseini on charges of providing financial support for Abu Sayyaf group.
45 July 15,
The foreign ministry of Venezuella announced that it had declared four Iranian diplomats persona non grata and asked them to leave the country after they were implicated in the attempted abduction of an exiled Iranian.
46 July 18,
Attack against the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires led to the killing of 26 and the injury of 127 people. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin blamed the bombing on the Iranian regime
47 July 31,
Panama announced that two Iranians and a Lebanese had been arrested in connection with the bombing of an airliner on July 19.
48 May 7,
Swedish government expeled to suspects from this country for having terrorist conspiracies. The mullahs’ regime take advantage of extrimist groups for its terrorist goals.
49 August
Germany expelled two Iranian diplomats. The mullahs’ embassy in Bonn intended to dispatch a terrorist team to disrupt the Dortmund meeting in which Mrs. Maryam Rajavi was due to make a speech
50 August 21,
Jerusalem bus attack: Hamas claimed responsibility for the detonation of a bomb that killed six and injured over 100 persons, including several U.S. citizens.
51 May 23,
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat said: "A clandestine group intended to assassinate me. They acted upon a religious decree from Iran"
52 June 5,
The interior Minister of Bahrain exposed a plan to topple the ruling family by fundamentalist Shiites. The leader of the group, Ali Kazem Almottaqavi, had been living in Iran since 1983. He was led by Brigadier Ahmad Sharifi of Revolutionary Guards
53 June
Government of Bahrain announces discovery of a local Hizbollah terrorist cell, whose members were trained and sponsored by the Iranian regime
54 March 3,
A powerful bomb exploded in Bethlehem by agents of the mullahs’ regime
55 March 13,
The leader of a fundamentalist terrorist group in Turkey was arrested by police. He admitted that he was given weapons by mullahs’ embassy in Ankara to assassinate an anti-fundamentalist Turkish author
56 April 10,
Four diplomats of the mullahs’ regime in Turkey were expelled because of their role in the assassination of Ms. Zahra Rajabi and a Turkish intellectual
57 May 13,
The Iranian Resistance exposed a plan by the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry to attack the residence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Resistance’s president-elect, in a Paris suburb.
58 Sept 24,
An Iranian diplomat was arrested and later explled by the government of Tajikistan for his role in export of fundamentalism and terrorism to this country.
59 February 2,
Turkish government expelled an Iranian diplomat for active involvement in exporting fundamentalism and terrorism to Turkey
60 February
Terrorists were trained in Imam Sadeq training base near Qom. They were flown to a third country from Tehran in spring 1996. They were transferred to Saudi Arabia and implemented their plans.
61 October
A government-affiliated institution raised its bounty for Rushdie’s head to 2.8 million dollars.
62 August
The written testimony of Argentina’s vice-president to the judiciary of this country cited evidence pointing to Iranian regime’s role in the bombing a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in July 1994.

