sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
HomeNotizieResistenza IranianaIran elections: Nothing will change until the regime is replaced

Iran elections: Nothing will change until the regime is replaced

ImageMessage by Lord Clarke of Hampstead to Iranian gathering on  June 17 anniversary – Paris

Here we are witnessing the second anniversary of the storming of the residence of Maryam Rajavi and her colleagues in Paris.
Two years without proper charge being made. Two years of uncertainty, two years of anxiety of those people wrongly being accused of doing things against the law in France.
I send my best wishes to the gathering taking place today. Special greetings to Madam Rajavi and her colleagues who are continuing to fight for justice and freedom. And I of course send very very sincere good wishes to all of those people at home, homeland in Iran. Having been to witness the sham election that is taking place. An election that has been rigged from the start. It is so sad that the world doesn’t recognize in a general sense just what nonsense the whole election is.

When you look at the candidates and the way it has been brought up, we have to say to ourselves what will change from this election? Election should be about the way forward, lifting people, making their lives better. Will the election change the human rights abuses in Tehran in the name of mullahs’ regime? Will the election stop the public hangings? Will the elections in any way bring us nearer to the days when we have a proper democratic election in Iran? The answer is of course no. Nothing will change until the regime is replaced. Replaced by properly elected democratic representatives of the Iranian people.

The intolerance that we see that goes on in Iran and has gone on for so long is something that the world must start making its voice louder. People get concerned about the nuclear program. Will the nuclear program come to an end? Of course they not.
Those of us who care for the people of Iran, and there are many of us, have a clear duty. That duty is to continue to make the case for change in Iran. Change for freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of language, freedom of love and compassion to each other instead of people looking over their shoulder to see if they are going to be punished for doing things that most of the world and the free world take for granted.

Many of us outside this country, in the United Kingdom, who work hard for that day to come, and until it comes, all we can do is to send our best wishes to you and this rally and to express the prayer and it is a prayer that we will not be having a rally again on the third anniversary of June 17 because is time for the French government to recognize that what they did two years ago was wrong. And it is time that Madam Rajavi could go back to the people of Iran who in turn suffered as a result of storming of her residence.
I wish you well, and I send you, as always, greetings of many many of us here in the United Kingdom, who look forward to a day that all of you will be free, free from the wickedness that unfortunately do tarnish the image of your beautiful country.

