sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
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Presidente Eletta

Rajavi alla IAEA: Nessuna scusante nel ritardo sul progetto nucleare dell’Iran.

Finalmente, dopo due anni di tempo perso, di inganni e di concessioni politiche, economiche e sulla sicurezza da parte dell’Unione Europea, la dittatura terroristica...

Maryam Rajavi condanna gli attacchi a Sharm al-Sheikh

Maryam Rajavi condanna gli attacchi a Sharm al-Sheikh ed esprime le sue condoglianze al popolo ed al Presidente egiziani. Questa mattina in un...

Iran: Maryam Radjavi condanna gli attentati di Londra

il presidente del Consiglio Nazionale della Resistenza Iraniana (CNRI), Sig.ra Maryam Radjavi, ha condannato gli attentati verificatisi giovedì a Londra. In...

Maryam Rajavi urges G8 leaders to stop appeasing mullahs, adopt decisive policy on Iran

In separate letters to the leaders of the eight industrialized nations, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, called on them to end the...

Election boycott was a historic ‘no’ to mullahs’ regime, ‘yes’ to democracy

President Elect's Statements Maryam Rajavi: Election boycott was a historic ‘no’ to mullahs’ regime, ‘yes’ to democratic change in Iran To...

Maryam Rajavi condemns “Bloody Friday” in southern Iran city

Calls on U.N. Secretary General to send fact-finding mission Following heavy clashes during Ahwaz's Bloody Friday yesterday, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect...

Maryam Rajavi congratulates nationwide boycott to Iranian people

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated the nationwide and victorious boycott of the illegitimate presidential election to the Iranian people, describing...

Human Rights Watch Report a catalogue of lies intended to help ruling theocracy

Maryam Rajavi: HRW Report a catalogue of lies intended to help the ruling theocracy in Iran on the eve of presidential election farce ...

